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Golf tournament raises $6,715.90 for Variety Club

UAW Local 774 held The 4th Annual Golf Tournament on Sunday, June 23, 2024, at Chestnut Hill Golf Course to benefit The Variety Kids Telethon. In atte...

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Puerto Rican Day Parade announced

Please mark your calendar and come celebrate the 22nd Annual Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of WNY. They will kick off their celebration with th...

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Family Picnic at the Bisons Game announced

Save the date! The Recreation Committee has announced the date for this year's Family Picnic at the Buffalo Bison's game. It will be held at Sahlen Fi...

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Heroes on the Front Lines: Penni Cox

On March 13, Penni Cox was laid off from her job at the General Motors plant in Kokomo, Indiana. “Business wasn’t good, and the company was downsizing. We prayed for more work. We were willing to build anything. We just wanted to work,” says Cox. “And now, here we are building ventilators.” Cox, a mother and grandmother, is a third-generation autoworker and member of UAW Local 292, and is proud and excited to contribute to the COVID-19 fight.

Read More Heroes on the Front Lines: Penni Cox

COVID-19 Update 4/6/2020

My Brothers and Sisters, Just a short message on this Monday afternoon as we move into another week of this worldwide crisis. Today, I’d like to start with the news of an amazing milestone. I’ve spoken before of our brave UAW men and women who are working tirelessly at the Ford Plymouth, Michigan plant producing much needed face shields to protect those on the front lines of this pandemic. In just 13 days, since this effort began, our UAW members have produced 1 million face shields. This vital Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has been shipped to numerous health care facilities in several states, one of the hardest hit being New York.

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Statement of UAW Vice President Gerald Kariem Director of the UAW Ford Department on UAW Ford Members' 1 Millionth Face Shield

“We could not be prouder of the UAW members that have volunteered to make such a difference at this critical time in our history. These UAW Ford Members have sacrificed beyond themselves for all of us.”

Read More Statement of UAW Vice President Gerald Kariem Director of the UAW Ford Department on UAW Ford Members' 1 Millionth Face Shield

Heroes on the Front Lines: Robert Nader

UAW Local 245 member Robert Nader gets antsy sitting still. Instead of going stir-crazy, he signed up for a job that would keep him busy and hopefully save lives. He is making face shields to help fight the spread of the devastating COVID-19 virus. “It’s not just me. It’s a lot of different people in here coming together to help,” said Nader. “The medical community really needs these masks and other personal protection equipment right now.”

Read More Heroes on the Front Lines: Robert Nader

COVID-19 Update 4/3/2020

My Brothers and Sisters, Today brought more news of members and hard-working men and women stepping up to help our first line responders and their families and communities during these difficult days. We have members who have courageously volunteered their time, going through rigorous safety training at the GM Kokomo, Indiana, facility as they begin their work to make ventilators that will save lives. One of the first UAW workers to volunteer there said that she thought of her elderly mom as someone who might need this life-saving equipment.

Read More COVID-19 Update 4/3/2020