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Golf tournament raises $6,715.90 for Variety Club

UAW Local 774 held The 4th Annual Golf Tournament on Sunday, June 23, 2024, at Chestnut Hill Golf Course to benefit The Variety Kids Telethon. In atte...

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Puerto Rican Day Parade announced

Please mark your calendar and come celebrate the 22nd Annual Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of WNY. They will kick off their celebration with th...

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Family Picnic at the Bisons Game announced

Save the date! The Recreation Committee has announced the date for this year's Family Picnic at the Buffalo Bison's game. It will be held at Sahlen Fi...

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Labor Voices - Opinion: Pandemic tells painful story of inequality

This global pandemic is a worldwide tragedy on so many levels for so many people, and the full impact is still an unknown. But what is not unknown is one undeniable, shameful story of inequality, of lost opportunity, of wasted minds and hearts, and of unnecessary pain and suffering.

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Heroes on the Front Lines: Denise Butsch

When Ford Motor Company’s Louisville Assembly Plant in Kentucky, stopped production in March to prevent the spread of COVID-19, UAW Local 862 member and registered nurse Denise Butsch remained on duty. As one of the local’s six nurses, she answered calls and talked with members who had questions about the virus and resources, or anxiety surrounding the pandemic...

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Heroes on the Front Line: Daniela Juarez

The dangers of COVID-19 mean that UAW Local 2320 member Daniela Juarez, who works with the Migrant Farmworker Project in Wisconsin, doesn’t meet with her clients in person. She spends a lot of time talking with them on the phone. In person or not, her assistance is vital as many of her Spanish-speaking clients are challenged by lack of access to public areas where they depend on technology to help them get information, file forms or apply for unemployment insurance benefits, says Juarez, who assists migrant and seasonal farmworkers throughout Wisconsin.

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Testing for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers, I want to address some of the comments and questions I’ve been hearing over the past few days concerning testing for the COVID-19 virus. Last week, UAW International staff members in Michigan received COVID-19 testing.

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Heroes on the Front Line: Monica Halas

UAW Local 2320 National Organization of Legal Services Workers (NOLSW) represents more than 4,500 members across the country. They are UAW’s only national amalgamated local union. Its members provide free legal services to low income residents needing assistance with housing, domestic violence, safety net services, health care and more...

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