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Golf tournament raises $6,715.90 for Variety Club

UAW Local 774 held The 4th Annual Golf Tournament on Sunday, June 23, 2024, at Chestnut Hill Golf Course to benefit The Variety Kids Telethon. In atte...

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Puerto Rican Day Parade announced

Please mark your calendar and come celebrate the 22nd Annual Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of WNY. They will kick off their celebration with th...

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Family Picnic at the Bisons Game announced

Save the date! The Recreation Committee has announced the date for this year's Family Picnic at the Buffalo Bison's game. It will be held at Sahlen Fi...

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Open Letter from Former UAW President Ron Gettelfinger to General Motors

Open Letter in Regard to GM: I am not a spokesman for anyone other than myself and the words in this opinion piece are mine and they pertain specifically and solely to me. Since retiring on July 1, 2010, I have avoided speaking to the media. I read with disgust and dismay some newspaper articles pertaining to me yesterday. I do not blame the reporters. They were covering a story based on statements taken from General Motors’ Motion to Alter or Amend Judgment against Fiat Chrysler and others, dated August 3, 2020. I do, however, place the blame squarely on GM for their malicious and utterly baseless attack against me and a supposed “unnamed” member of my family.

Read More Open Letter from Former UAW President Ron Gettelfinger to General Motors

UAW President Rory L. Gamble Statement on the HEALS Act

“Outside the bubble of Washington, D.C. our families continue to struggle with an economy devastated by this pandemic. This impacts UAW members, their families, their communities and their jobs, all of which depend on a resilient economy. This issue needs to be solved.

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UAW President Rory Gamble Statement on the Passing of Congressman John Lewis

"The world John Lewis leaves behind is a very different world than the one he entered, in large measure because of his courage, tenacity and belief in the human spirit. Our own UAW history is forever linked to John Lewis and our support in Selma.

Read More UAW President Rory Gamble Statement on the Passing of Congressman John Lewis

Harvard student workers vote to ratify first union contract One-year agreement includes victories on discrimination protections, healthcare, and childcare

CAMBRIDGE, MA -- Student workers at Harvard University made history today, voting in favor of ratifying their first union contract. The one-year contract agreement with the university will improve pay and benefits for over 4,000 student workers, and guarantee health and safety protections in the midst of a pandemic. The contract strengthens protections for student workers against discrimination and harassment, including racial discrimination and sexual harassment, and includes new provisions aimed at increasing job security for international student workers.

Read More Harvard student workers vote to ratify first union contract One-year agreement includes victories on discrimination protections, healthcare, and childcare

U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider and UAW President Rory Gamble Meet to Discuss Reform of the UAW

U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider and UAW President Rory Gamble jointly announce that they had a productive and helpful first meeting to begin negotiations to further the cause of reform in the United Auto Workers union. U.S. Attorney Schneider welcomed the opportunity to sit down with the UAW’s President in order to work together toward improving the union for all its members. President Gamble appreciated the chance to meet with the Department of Justice so as to further his efforts at reforming the organization and to ensure integrity in the union’s leadership.

Read More U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider and UAW President Rory Gamble Meet to Discuss Reform of the UAW