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Golf tournament raises $6,715.90 for Variety Club

UAW Local 774 held The 4th Annual Golf Tournament on Sunday, June 23, 2024, at Chestnut Hill Golf Course to benefit The Variety Kids Telethon. In atte...

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Puerto Rican Day Parade announced

Please mark your calendar and come celebrate the 22nd Annual Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of WNY. They will kick off their celebration with th...

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Family Picnic at the Bisons Game announced

Save the date! The Recreation Committee has announced the date for this year's Family Picnic at the Buffalo Bison's game. It will be held at Sahlen Fi...

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Update from UAW-GM Vice President Terry Dittes

RE: UAW-GM Negotiations Update #5 (URGENT) Dear Union Brothers and Sisters: On Saturday, October 5, 2019, your Bargaining Committee, along with the UAW International Staff, prepared an extensive package proposal and presented it to the Company at 5:35 pm. Our proposal addressed issues of wages, signing bonus, job security, pensions, skilled trades, profit sharing, transfer rights; to name just a few.

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Update from UAW-GM Vice President Terry Dittes to GM Members

National Strike - Day 19 Dear Union Brothers and Sisters: Since the last update, we have made good progress regarding the issues of health care and a path for temporary employees becoming seniority members. We still have several of your proposals outstanding and unsettled like wages, job security, skilled trades and pension.

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UAW-FCA Negotiations Update

Greetings: We continue to follow the strategy of pattern bargaining by targeting a lead company to negotiate with. As you know the UAW continues to strike General Motors. They are completing their third week and our brothers and sisters at the UAW-GM Locals need our support now more than ever. I ask all of you to donate your time and visit the picket lines during your off-work hours. I know many of you have, but make sure to let them know that the membership of UAW-FCA thanks them for the sacrifice they are making for all of us. They will set the pattern for us to follow.

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UAW-Ford Negotiations Update #3

Greetings Union Brothers and Sisters: We have made significant progress in this set of negotiations since I last updated you on Wednesday, September 18, 2019. At this time, we now have 18 out of 20 subcommittees that have reached tentative agreements or have negotiated to the point that only patterned or large economic items remain open for discussion.

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