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Financial Secretary/Treasurer

John Orsini

FINANCIAL SECRETARY:•Receive and document all income and expenditures.•Write checks drawn on Local Union funds.    •Maintain accurate membership records.   •Prepare monthly and yearly financial reports.  •File all required federal and state payments/reports on a timely basis.•Submit monthly Per Capita Tax payments.•Keep an accurate inventory of all records and property.•Comply with provisions of the UAW Constitution & Local Union Bylaws. On demand of the International Secretary-Treasurer and Local Union Trustees, produce his books for examination and audit. TREASURER:•Sign all checks/forms used to withdraw union funds (must be countersigned by the President).•Report in writing every month at the membership meeting the total receipts and expenditures from the previous calendar month and the amount of money still on deposit.•On demand of the International Union or Local Union Trustees, produce his books for examination and audit.