Strike Vote Set for August 23rd

The UAW Region 9 Veterans Committee Meat Raffle orginally scheduled for Friday May 17th has been postponed until the fall. The new dates will be passed on in the near future.

My Sisters and Brothers, I want to begin this first message of 2022 with a deep sentiment of gratitude for our union and for all the hard work, dedication, and fortitude our UAW family showed this past year. We had many challenges to face together, and I watched this membership rise to each one of them and support one another, as we always do.

Retiree Christmas Party held at The Grapevine Banquets on December 19, 2021.

On December 16, 2021 Local 774 Community Services and Women's Committees attended the Belle Center's Christmas party held for the children that were adopted by UAW Local 774 members during this year's Annual Holiday Gift Drive. Because of our membership's incredible generosity these children went home feeling very loved and special. For some of these children, these may be the only gifts recieved. Thank you to all that helped make this possible.

On November 11, people across the country will take a moment to honor our military veterans, who have sacrificed their time -- and many their lives -- by serving in the United States Armed Forces. In addition to their brave actions, defending our country and others, these men and women are a valuable resource to the entire labor movement. The UAW has a long history of supporting and recognizing the men and women in our military and their families.

Sisters and Brothers,

This Veterans Day across our great nation, we honor the proud individuals who served our country. We remember the men and women, and their families, who have made the ultimate sacrifice during wartime, those who made it through, and those who gave of their time and commitment during peacetime. We will again remember the willingness and sacrifice of America’s veterans who served our country — service that deserves our lasting gratitude.

Pursuant to the Consent Decree entered by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan in the matter of United States v. International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, 20 Cv. 13293 (DML-RSW) (E.D.